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"Daughter of the Lake" by Ernesto Cabellos Damián

14 Jun 2016
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Films, Talks
Duration: 2 hours 15 minutes

Screening of Daughter of the Lake by Ernesto Cabellos Damián Peru, 2015. 87'

Daughter of the Lake tells the story of Nélida, an Andean woman who is able to communicate with water spirits and uses her powers to fight a mining corporation bent on destroying the lake she considers to be her mother. Directly beneath Nélida's lakes lies a rich deposit of gold that triggers a confrontation between local farmers, afraid of losing their water supply, and the largest gold mining corporation in South America.

Post-film discussion:

With: Tatiana Retamozo from AIETI (Association for Research and Study of Ibero-American Issues) and Mercedes Lois from the organisation Entrepueblos.

Coordinated by: FONGDCAM

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"Daughter of the Lake" by Ernesto Cabellos Damián

14 Jun 17 - 19:15 h