Contemporary Film: Under the Influence of Michel Gondry

In the film cycle “Under the Influence of Michel Gondry”, we will watch three films by three new cinematographers that invite us to get lost in the same mazes and magical worlds envisioned by the director of Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.
Following the February cycle of contemporary film influenced by the work of Noah Baumbach, the new March programme at La Casa Encendida will be devoted to French cult filmmaker Michel Gondry (Versailles, 1963).
We’ll watch three sci-fi movies from Italy, the United States and Canada that share the director of Be Kind Rewind’s passion for twisting reality into fantasy with animation, stop-motion and found footage. “Under the Influence of Michel Gondry” is a cycle for ambitious dreamers, as the selected feature films prove the existence of parallel realities right around the corner. In Guarda in Alto, by Fulvio Risuleo, we’ll discover a new world hidden among the rooftops of Rome. In contrast, in Bill Watterson’s Dave Made a Maze the fantastic abyss is concealed inside a cardboard labyrinth. And in the psychedelic film The Goose by Mike Maryniuk, fantasy lurks in the hallucinogenic mental landscape of the mute protagonist.