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Close Distance: Julião Sarmento

2 Apr - 5 Jun 2011
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@Alba García Bikus
@Alba García Bikus
Foto: Chema Castelló
Foto: Chema Castelló
Foto: Chema Castelló
Foto: Chema Castelló

Close Distance is a title that describes the artist's recent work as well as the interpretation offered to us by Adrian Searle, curator of the show.

This exhibition, conceived specifically for La Casa Encendida, examines the oeuvre of Julião Sarmento (b. Lisbon, 1948) and its evolution in connection with the constant and recurring themes of desire, words and ineffable domesticity.

The paradoxical phrase "close distance" aptly explains this show, which juxtaposes video and painting, performance and sculpture, movement and stasis. This duality is also found at the intersection of flawless execution, a rather distant point of view—the perspective of the "invisible man", in the curator's words—and the unsettling sensation we experience as observers, taking part in these intimate scenes that only exist because we witness them. Bodies in motion and interrupted gestures, inhabited silences and empty spaces: Sarmento's work brings us face to face with our own doubts and challenges our point of view.

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Close Distance: Julião Sarmento

2 Apr 17:30 - 17:30 h