
La Casa Encendida presents Gelatine, a festival of art and thought that aims to reflect on human beings who rewrite themselves in/with a contingent, constantly changing world.
The Xenofeminist Manifesto ended with the phrase, “If nature is unjust, change nature!” This call to action declared that there is nothing so transcendental or sacrosanct in human nature that it cannot be altered or hacked. At Gelatine, talks, workshops and performances convey positions that challenge the “dada” and “naturalised” notions of humanity and the dynamic of relationships, which are therefore established with those who have been labelled as “less human”, with the non-human and the environment. Taking the collapse of the boundary between nature and culture as its starting point, Gelatine proposes the recovery of a body that supersedes the role of language when constituting social reality. As the term “material-discursive” coined by Donna Haraway indicates, this body actually contributes to the development and transformation of discourses. Extra-textual, between and outside the lines. Bodies that experience pain and pleasure and are orientated towards certain objects and towards others. Bodies that rewrite themselves in a nomadic nature, which can also be redefined as a space of emancipatory politics.