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Metals for the Energy Transition: Limitations and Consequences

7 Apr 2021
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Online, Talks

A session focused on the consequences of the mass exploitation of metals that the energy transition requires, its limitations and how this may affect the decarbonisation objects of the Paris Agreement.

Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes


  • Alicia Valero, chemical engineer, leader of the Industrial Ecology research group at Instituto CIRCE and lecturer at the University of Zaragoza.
  • Juantxo López de Uralde,member of parliament (Unidas Podemos party) and chair of the Ecological Transition Committee.
  • Santiago Martín-Barajas, member of Ecologistas en Acción and an expert on water, mining and energy.

Moderated by Carol García Toledano, trustee of Transición Verde, journalist, political scientist and communication coordinator at Alianza por la Solidaridad-ActionAid.

Coordinated by Green European Foundation (GEF), in partnership with Fundación Transición Verde and La Casa Encendida.

The event will be held in a Zoom room. Once you have registered, and before each session, you will receive a confirmation email with the login details for the event.

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Metals for the Energy Transition: Limitations and Consequences

7 Apr 16:30 - 18 h