Raw Material Company

In 2024, La Casa Encendida invites the Senegal-based RAW Centre for Art, Knowledge and Society to programme the exhibitions in Room A.
The aim is to bring other narratives to Madrid, other ways of doing, other forms of artistic research, other curatorial practices, and other forms of critical writing.
The project runs until December 2024 and is divided into three parts, episodes or sub-projects.
In the first one, which begins on 10 March and ends on 2 June, the collective Untitled Duo offers May our song be worthy of those who listen, a reading room focused on RAW Académie, the experimental programme for the research and study of artistic, curatorial and thought practices undertaken by RAW Material Company. Untitled Duo proposes the reading room as an entry point for mapping the initiatives that are transforming the African artistic and cultural education ecosystem.
For the second part, from 14 June to 1 September, as part of the same cycle and collaboration with La Casa Encendida, RAW Material proposes a residency by the artist Renée Akitelek Mboya who, in connection with the Afro-diasporic community in Madrid, will produce a film and individual exhibition on her artistic practice.
Lastly, from 20 September until 8 December the curator Amina Lawal Agoro proposes a collective exhibition on the question of Afro-diasporic identities.