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Picasso: Untitled / With Dance: Performing Picasso Paintings, by Maria Hassabi

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Picasso: Untitled / With
21 Oct - 22 Oct 2023
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Performing Picasso Paintings. Foto: Estudio perplejo.
Performing Picasso Paintings. Foto: Estudio perplejo.

“While you hold your pose, breath calmly and try not to show any emotional reaction when viewers approach you (...).” Excerpt from Maria Hassabi’s instructions in the text where she retitles one of Picasso’s works in the exhibition Picasso: Untitled.

Location: Sala B, Sala E, Sala D, Sala C
Price: 5€, 4€

'Picasso: Sin Título' es un proyecto de La Casa Encendida y la Fundación Almine y Bernard Ruiz-Picasso (FABA) comisariado por Eva Franch i Gilabert. La exposición cuenta con el apoyo de la Comisión Nacional para la Conmemoración del 50.º aniversario de la muerte de Pablo Picasso, y la colaboración de la Comunidad de Madrid. La muestra forma parte del programa oficial de la Celebración Picasso 1973-2023 que cuenta con Telefónica como empresa colaboradora en España.

The rooms where the exhibition Picasso: Untitled. is on display are activated by male nude performers following a set of instructions from the artist and choreographer Maria Hassabi. The performances will take place in all four exhibition rooms in real time for people visiting the show on 21 and 22 October.

Maria Hassabi is an artist and choreographer whose work covers live performance, installation, sculpture, photography and video. Since the early 2000s she has developed a distinct artistic practice based on the relationship of the live body with still images and sculptural objects. Her works reflect on the concepts of time and the human figure, employing a variety of media to emphasise the complexity of formal organisation. They have been presented at a variety of venues, including LUMA Arles; OGR Turin; the Secession (Vienna); the Centre Pompidou in Paris; K20 Düsseldorf; the Walker Art Center (Minneapolis); MoMA in New York; the Hammer Museum (Los Angeles); the Australian Centre for Contemporary Art (Melbourne); The Kitchen (New York); documenta14 Kassel; Performa (New York); and the 55th Venice Biennale. Hassabi won the Performa 2019 Malcolm McLaren Award; the New York Dance and Performance “Bessie” Award in 2016; the Herb Alpert Award in 2015; and the LMCC (Lower Manhattan Cultural Council) President’s Award for the Performing Arts in 2012. She was the recipient of a Guggenheim Fellowship in 2011 and was awarded an Artist Grant by the Foundation for Contemporary Arts in 2009. She holds a BFA from the California Institute of the Arts.

Performers: Fernando Neira, Maykol Noya, Manuel Senén, Raúl Marcos, and Héctor Espinar.

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  • The performance is included in the admission price.

    Performance times:

    Saturday 21 October, 7–8 pm

    Sunday 22 October, 12–1 pm

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Picasso: Untitled / With Dance: Performing Picasso Paintings, by Maria Hassabi

21 Oct 19 - 12:59 h