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Adaptation and collective intelligence

Within the programming of

Wake Up! The Planet Needs You 2022
14 Jun - 21 Jun 2022
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Online, Talks, Films

Humanity needs to find new solutions, with a deeper impact than the present ones, to transform the socioeconomic system with the ambition and speed required by the climate crisis.

All social, cultural and economic transformations demand changes at an individual level but, equally importantly, at a collective level as well. Finding ways to promote this type of collective intelligence and action will help us to bring about a fair and shared adaptation.

In this session, Cristina Monge, the well-known political analyst, discusses these issues with Jean-François Noubel, one of the world’s leading thinkers.


  • Jean-François Noubel carries out R+D in collective intelligence, a research discipline that explores how living systems work and the evolution of our species. He works on the crypto-technologies that will enable the rise of distributed social intelligence and the post-monetary society. Jean-François travels the world advising leaders on evolutionary leaps. He defines himself as an open-source earthling living in the gift economy and he follows a vegan lifestyle.
  • Cristina Monge is a political scientist with a PhD from the Zaragoza University, where she teaches sociology. Her areas of interest are sustainability and democratic quality, with a particular focus on governance for the ecological transition, a theme she is investigating at research centres such as Globerance, BC3 (Basque Centre for Climate Change) and itdUPM (Innovation for Development and Technology Centre at the Polytechnic University of Madrid), and with the board of trustees of Ecodes.

She is involved in the Open Government Forum, is a member of the aid and development advisory board and chairs the “More Democracy” association.


We Rise Up, by Michael Shaun Conaway. United States, 2019. Original soundtrack, Spanish subtitles

Our global systems are collapsing and humanity is faced with crisis on every front. We need to find a collective way of addressing the future. At this tipping point, We Rise Up asks fundamental questions. Drawing on private reflections by business people, entertainers and philosophers, as well as the voices of citizens from all over the world, the film explores new personal and collective success models and what humanity needs to create a prosperous future. Intimate conversations, stunning images and superb music: marking a radical departure from the typical documentary narrated by experts, Conaway's film offers a profound personal diary of research, reflection and action.

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Adaptation and collective intelligence

14 Jun 6 - 6 h