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Adaptation, opportunity or eco-anxiety

Within the programming of

Wake Up! The Planet Needs You 2022
14 Jun - 21 Jun 2022
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Online, Talks, Films

An extraordinary documentary and four experts help us to cope with “eco-anxiety” and see the crisis as an opportunity.

Heat waves, storms, droughts and wildfires are becoming more intense. How do we adapt psychologically to this scenario? How can we keep our spirits up in the face of bad omens? How do we use global efforts to contribute to the change and prosper at the same time?

These themes are discussed by:

  • Conchi Piñeiro, member of the Altekio cooperative. A researcher and trainer for eco-social transformation, in recent years she has facilitated community spaces in which to explore the emotional and relational dimension of climate change.
  • Techu Arranz, executive coach, facilitator of personal transformation and female talent, expert in neuro-linguistic programming (NPL) and co-director of Instituto Potencial Humano.
  • Andreu Escrivà has a master's degree in Ecosystems Conservation and a PhD in Biodiversity. In 2016 he won the 22nd European Prize for Scientific Dissemination with his book Aún no es tarde: claves para entender y frenar el cambio climático [It's Not Too Late: Keys to Understanding and Stopping Climate Change], Bromera, 2017 and in 2020 he published Y ahora yo qué hago: cómo evitar la culpa climática y pasar a la acción [Now What Do I Do? How To Overcome Climate Guilt and Move Towards Action], Capitan Swing, 2020. He describes himself as “climate nuisance”.
  • Santiago Beruete, anthropologist, philospher, award-winning writer, teacher and gardener. Author of Jardinosofía (Una historia filosófica de los jardines) [Gardenosophy: A Philosophical History of Gardens], Turner, 2016; Verdolatría (La naturaleza nos enseña a ser humanos) [Greenodolatry: Nature Teaches Us to Be Human] Turner, 2018, and Aprendívoros (El cultivo de la curiosidad) [Learnivores: The Cultivation of Curiosity] Turner, 2021.

Moderated by: Ángel Cano, director of Asociación Despierta.


Once You Know. France, 2020. 104’. Original soundtrack with Spanish subtitles

Faced with the reality of climate change and the depletion of resources, filmmaker Emmanuel Cappellin knows that the collapse of our industrial civilisation is only a matter of time. But how do we live with the idea that the human adventure might fail? To answer that question, Cappellín consults experts and scientists like Pablo Servigne, Jean-Marc Jancovici and Susanne Moser. Together, they issue a collective supportive manifesto on preparing the most human transition possible.

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Adaptation, opportunity or eco-anxiety

14 Jun 6 - 6 h